Oh it's been a busy year! I'm done with craft shows for the year, that was the big time eater. Here' s a pic or two from the shows. They were a blast and each one was totally worth my time and effort. Still not sure I'll do the big Food and Gift Festival at the Tacoma Dome again next year though...it was crazy! Five very long days of constant go go go. My whole family was affected, even my mom had to come up from Texas to help me. A bit much. But fun nonetheless. My aqua booth really stood out amongst everyone else's red and white backgrounds. I loved it. I was on the end of an aisle and got lots of traffic. Sales went above and beyond what I could have imagined, it was a blast. I literally sold 50%+ of my inventory, which for a craft show is huge as some of you know!

And here's one of my cute husband who was such a huge help and support during the Tacoma Dome show. He wore The Yarn Chick shirt and an apron without one complaint, haha! He wasn't able to be here for the second smaller show due to deployment, but I'm so thankful he was here for the first! Love you, Hon!
And a special huge thank you to my mom for coming up and helping me for three weeks with both shows and with the kids! You're the best, Mom!
So now that the shows are over I'm catching up on custom orders. I've got all the show orders done and out the door and now I'm working on all the ones from friends and family. Unfortunately I've been having some major pain in my wrist from so much crocheting the past few months, so they are slow going with me having to take 24-48 hour breaks from crocheting in between orders. Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding. And for the tips for making my wrist feel better, they are really helping! But I'm determined to get them all done in plenty of time...then I can take a real break over the Christmas holiday.
So what's in store for the new year! New patterns! New products! And I'm excited to get started. First let's get through these holidays, shall we?
Oh and through November 29th you can get 25% off all patterns in both my Etsy and Artfire shops! Just enter code THXGIV10 at checkout.