Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year, Renewed Focus

It's been forever since I posted, life has been hectic! My family has moved to Washington State and we've been busy getting settled in. We love it here so far and are excited to spend at least three years exploring the area. If we like it as much after that we are going to try and stay until retirement in 7 years. We will see!

The kids are liking it too. The little man only has to go to school for 2 1/2 hours a day, so he's happy. Mommy of course is not so happy about that. Not only does it seem pointless, but it doesn't offer much of a break! If he was in full day I could take the monkey to daycare once a week and get a whole day to myself. As it is, not possible. But other than that, we love the new digs.

The move caused me to have to ignore my little business for a while. But I'm back at it now and driving at it harder than ever. I opened a second shop called TheYarnChick on Etsy for my crochet items to move to. I've designed some new styles, including an adult style that I'm really excited about. They've gone over well, I'm all sold out at the moment. But here's a picture of it. I am determined to get into some craft fairs this year so I am focusing on building up inventory. I list everything in my shops because hey, if it sells it sells, I'm not going to be picky about where. But I would like to have a good 100 hats of various sizes plus other items at the very least ready for a show in the fall. My focus is staying on, TheYarnChick for now, although I will still be adding items to my jewelry, art, and gifts shop as time allows. I'll need a change of pace once in a while and I don't want that shop to die from lack of inventory.

I have also stretched myself out a little bit. I've opened a shop on a new site for handmade items called 1000 Markets. It's a lovely website, that is well put together and makes my shop look really professional and clean. I have assisted in starting up a Homefront Market there and am as involved in that as I can be. The Homefront Market, like the Homefront Team I'm a member of on Etsy, consists of shops where their owners are all military or military family members. At this point we are all military spouses. It's a wonderful group to be a part of, with very talented ladies that support one another to no end. I'm very proud to be a part of them. I would love if you came by and browsed these ladies' shops, they really are incredible women.

So as this new year has dawned so quickly, I am refocusing on my shops and determined to make them even more successful than last year. Keeping in mind my family still always comes first, wish me luck! Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment: said...

Looks like you have things moving in the right direction.