Friday, June 20, 2008

The Dynamic Duo

I love my kids, but they are crazy. I get the camera out and they really just lose it. Banana sandwiches crazy. But at least I got my daughter to leave her new hat on long enough to let me take a couple of pictures! I think it helped she saw her brother was also wearing his hat. Okay, so it's a tiny bit big for her...I'm still learning about how to get the size right for the right age, but it still looks cute on her and she has room to grow. And she'll need it if she ends up with a big ol' noggin like daddy. For some reason the angle of this shot makes the flower look too high up and really big, but in real life it is in a good position and isn't very big. Weird.

I had planned on having another one done this evening, but I fell asleep on the floor with Ava at 8:30! I'd say my sleep deprivation caught up to me. Normally as soon as it's bedtime for the kids I suddenly get a burst of energy to get me through some alone time. I slept for four hours on the floor with Ava and woke up starving. So rather than having another hat to share, I'll share the little cell phone pouch I made myself last night. More practice for making different things. And an easy one to make in any size, love that.

And last, but never least, my son dressing himself like five year olds tend to do. Nuts crazy mad, but I love them!


MayRae said...

They both look so darling in their little hats :) Like the phone case too.

Emily of Ella-Bear Bowtique said...

Love your daughter's hat, that is beautiful!

Moose Threads said...

This made me smile. David's trying to dress himself and is obsessed with shoes. It's nuts what he wants to wear.

The hats look great!